The other night I had a strange dream.
I dreamed/dreamt (is there a difference?) that I was in a full length movie. Although, I did not look like me, and none of the actors were people that I recognized.
I was a little girl in the movie, but I was really telling the story about my father and his life during the Great Depression and the War. I had two sisters, and my father would read us bedtime stories and call us his little princesses.
It was a rough life growing up, and my parents had to sacrifice much for their children. Us three girls did very well in life and went on to claim greatness.
The sad part was, at the end of the movie, I explained how my parents had several opportunities to change their circumstances, but they had been so broken by life that they stayed put and never moved up.
They died in the same sad house they raised us in.
To me, I woke up feeling like I had just watched a full length movie. It was kind of strange because I was left deciding whether or not I got enough sleep since part of it was like a watching a movie --- but I was sleeping.
I do not even know what it means.
My mom would know, she always tells me what my dreams mean. I like it. Her interpretations usually get at a emotional struggle I have been having, even if I did not know about it.
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